Central Penn Business Journal’s Nonprofit Innovation Awards

A Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, nonprofit accredited by the Pennsylvania Association for Nonprofit Organizations, Real Alternatives provides women nationwide with comprehensive abortion alternatives and pregnancy support. In 2004, Real Alternatives became a finalist in the Central Penn Business Journal-sponsored Nonprofit Innovation Awards for its statewide Outcome Measurement Collection Process.

The Real Alternatives Outcome Measurement Collection Process, based on the United Way Outcome Model, to develop a centralized standardized measuring tool for the pregnancy support program’s service providers. The outcomes provide the Real Alternatives service providers a tool for quality improvement for client services.

The Nonprofit Innovation Awards celebrate the achievements of nonprofit organizations across the state and provide recognition for demonstrable innovations in their daily operations. Awards comprise five categories: Collaboration, Programs, Management Operations, Nonprofit Leadership Excellence, and Brand Identity/Unique Marketing Campaign. For each award period, judges select one winner for each category and at least two runners-up. The awards are announced at an annual breakfast event. Pennsylvania nonprofits eligible for a Nonprofit Innovation Award include those that meet the qualifications for status as a 501(c)(3) organization with the IRS and that implemented innovative measures prior to the current award period.

The award is exclusive to organizations based within one of eight counties within the state’s central region, which includes Cumberland, Dauphin, Franklin, and Lancaster.


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